Partnership for Affordable Housing
Provides a healthy, safe and affordable living environment.
Our rules begin with RESPECT:
Respect for the individual
Respect and value for your opinion
Respect for your right to be who you are
Our staff is available to talk with you daily concerning things that are important to you:
Your living environment
Your skills as they relate to employment
Health services referrals
Social services referrals
Life in a well maintained comfortable environment
Additional Services:
Making Changes Transitional Housing for Women
Transitional housing provides an environment that offers encouragement and a place to think.
To become a resident at Making Changes Transitional Housing for Women, you must:
Be able to live cooperatively and safely in a group setting.
Be willing to attend group, individual and house meetings.
Want to live a healthy and safe lifestyle
Be willing to submit to random drug and alcohol testing
Have a steady income